Невидимые и цветные гидроизоляционные жидкости \ Pu-Coat II SKM / Pu-Coat II SKP Matte and Bright Aliphatic Polyurethane

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It is an aliphatic, UV-resistant, double-component, polyurethane-based, matte and bright top coat paint which can be applied onto concrete and metal indoor and outdoor surfaces.
Usage Areas
• As a top coat floor or wall paint; on concrete and metal surfaces,
• On surfaces with Pu and epoxy coating,
• In industrial steel buildings,
• In production and storage areas, garages, hangars and loading ramps,
• In parking areas,
• In outdoor sporting fields,
• In tennis courts,
• In data processing and control centers.
• It is resistant to water, sea water, salt, numerous chemicals, outdoor weather conditions, weak acids and bases.
• It is resistant to scratch and abrasion.
• It has high ultraviolet stability. It does not lead to chalking and colour change.
• It is suitable to sterile conditions. It is hygienic and easy to clean.
• The surface treated becomes waterproof.
Surface Preparation
• Pressure strength of the concrete to be treated must be 25 N/mm2 minimum and tensile strength 1,5 N/mm2 minimum.
• The humidity ratio in the concrete must be lower than 5%. Matte and Bright Aliphatic Polyurethane Top Coat Paint 91
• The surface to be treated must be clean and dry and free from any other substance such as dirt, grease, old coatings and curing materials.
• Gaps and holes must be completely cleared first and then filled to smooth the surface.
• Any swelling must be sandpapered and levelled.
• All dust and loose and displaced particles must be removed by using a brush and/or vacuum cleaner.
• During application relative humidity must not exceed 50% when the ambient temperature is +10°C, and 80% when the ambient temperature is +30°C.
• The temperature of the surface to be treated must be between +10°C and +30°C.
• The temperature of the surface to be treated must be 3°C higher than the dew point.
• Ambient temperature and surface temperature must be increased by using heaters for the applications performed in cold weather conditions and Pu-Coat II SKM/SKP containers must be kept under +20°C the previous night.
• Direct Pu-Coat II SKM/SKP applications on concrete does not require undercoating.
• If former Pu-Coat II SKM/SKP coating has been applied more than 12 hours ago, the surface must be sandpapered thoroughly before the application of Pu-Coat II SKM/SKP.
First stir Component A and Component B separately, and then addComponent B to Component A and stir the mixture continuously to a homogenous consistency with a low speed mixer for 3 minutes. To minimize air drag avoid stirring too much. The mixture should be applied to the prepared surface with a merino roller. The first coat can be thinned with 10% cellulosic thinner. The thickness of each coat must not exceed 100 microns. 2 coats will be sufficient. It is critical to apply
the second coat on time. Otherwise decreased adherence may lead to cleavage. If the edges match ‘wet’ during application, a seamless effect can be created.
Approximately 0,300 kg/m2 in two coats.
Pu-Coat II SKM (Matte)
7 kg Component A + 0,5 kg Component B = Net 7,5 kg as a set
Pu-Coat II SKP (Bright)
6,5 kg Component A + 1 kg Component B = Net 7,5 kg as a set


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