Бетонные и минометные добавки \ Antifrost -10º C 3050 Анти-морозная добавка

Ürün Teknik Dökümanları

As an anti-gel universal concrete additive it prevents fresh concrete from freezing by increasing the heat of hydration.
Usage Areas

It is used for concreting at low temperatures up to -10° C, and when frost is expected at night.

Technical Specifications
Type      :    Calcium Nitrate Based
Form      :    Liquid
Color     :    Dark Brown
Density  :    1,25 kg/lt
Baume   :    30
Ph         :    8 (Neutral)
Freeze Point :-18°C

Because it does not contain any calcium chloride, it is not harmful for the rebar.
It is non-corrosive. Anti Frost -10° C provides a plastic and more fluid concrete.
Its workability increases, and water/cement ratio decreases.
It provides early strength, and increases final strength and pull- out resistance.
Preferably Anti Frost -10° C is either added to mixing water or poured into concrete mixer simultaneously with the mixing water.
It is not recommended to be added to dry concrete mix.
Subsequently the usual process recommended for a good concrete production is carried on.
Cement, aggregate and water must be protected from freeze, and no ice particles must be left between aggregate and water.
Water must be heated up if necessary.
The temperature of fresh concrete must not be under +5° C.
To maintain hydration temperature, concrete must be covered, especially under windy weather conditions.
It should not be used in thin or exterior concrete elements.
It is recommended to keep water/cement ratio at minimum.
Portland cement must be used in the production. Wooden mold must be preferred.
1% of cement between +5° C and -5° C. 2% of cement between
-5° C and -10° C. Adding a greater amount of antifreeze is not helpful
in concreting at temperatures below -10° C.
25 kg Plastic drum - 33 Drums / Pallet
235 kg Sheet iron barrel


Ürün Teknik Dökümanları