Изоляционные материалы на цементной основе \ EM 80 T 6040 Polymer and Fiber Modified Coarse Repair Mortar

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Emülzer® EM-80 T is a polymer and fiber added, singlecomponent, thixotropic coarse repair mortar produced with high
quality cement and special granulometric siliceous sand and it is used for filling holes up to 30 mm.
Usage Areas
• Used for the repair of surfaces impaired due to site conditions.
• Used for the repair of surface flaws and segregated areas.
• Used for bevelling corners.
• It is especially produced for preparing surfaces for waterproofing applications.
• Does not lead to crack or dust formation.
• Minimizes shrinkage.
• Ensures high adherence without undercoating.
• Resistant to water and frost.
• Emülzer® EM-80 T is poured into a clean container, combined with 7 liters of water for trowel application and mixed to a
homogenous consistency (approximately for 3 minutes with a low speed mixer). Water must be added to Emülzer® Repair Mortar; never vice versa.
• Water must be added gradually, not all at once.
• The mixture must be consumed within 25-40 minutes.
• It is not possible to use solidified mixture by adding extra water.
• After the application of the last coat, the surface must be levelled with a soft, damp sponge.
• After the application it is critical to prevent Emülzer® EM-80 T from drying fast, it must be kept damp for 1-3 days. This can be achieved by laying a damp burlap, plastic, etc. or damping the concrete. Emülzer EM-70 T must be protected from sun, frost, wind and other undesirable weather conditions during the curing period.
• The applications thicker than 5 mm must be performed in coats.
• It must be applied at temperatures between +5°C and +35°C.
Surface Preparation
• The area to be treated should be clean and in good condition.
• The surface to be treated should be free from water repellent chemicals, mold grease, dust, cement foam, paint residues, detergent, curing materials, silicon and any other substances which may impede adherence.
• Static cracks must be first enlarged in V shape.
• The surface must be saturated with water and must be kept damp all through the application.
Depending on the condition of the surface 3 to 4 kg/m2 of powder repair mortar for an application of 2 mm.
Net: 25 kg Kraft bag


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